

TikTok maximum video length changed to 10 minutes

TikTok maximum video length changed to 10 minutes
Leri Koen

Leri Koen

  • Updated:

TikTok has been increasing its maximum video length. At the start, the app only allowed one-minute video uploads by users. Then in July 2021, they increased the allowed video length to three minutes. Since the release, they’ve also experimented with longer times, up to five minutes. But the latest update released on Monday surpasses even that.

On Monday, TikTok released a global update that allows users to post videos up to 10 minutes long. A TikTok Spokesperson mentioned that one of the reasons for increasing the time limit on videos is to allow more creative possibilities to TikTok creators worldwide. Although this is not the only reason TikTok is increasing, there are already popular short-form videos.

Another possibility brought up by Matt Navarra, a social media consultant, is that longer videos are easier to monetize. This is because it would be easier for TikTok to intersperse ads in longer videos without it becoming too annoying for the users.

Another potential reason that this feature is released now could be to curb the spread of false information in light of the recent Ukrainian and Russian unrest. TikTok has found it difficult to stop the spread of false information in short-form videos. Perhaps having longer video times can create more accurate citizen journalism and news sharing opportunities.

Allowing users to upload longer videos shows that TikTok is making changes to compete better with other platforms such as YouTube. While TikTok is working to increase video lengths, other platforms like YouTube and Meta (formerly known as Facebook) are working to incorporate more short-form video content by introducing YouTube Shorts and Facebook Reels.

We look forward to seeing what this increase in video length will mean for the platform. Since the users are familiar with short-form content, will the introduction of longer videos and ads be a deterrent, or will the platform keep growing in popularity?

If you’re new to the platform, we recommend you read what TikTok is and how it works.

Leri Koen

Leri Koen

Born and raised in South Africa I am the mother of two busy kids and one loving husband. Since leaving school I immediately started working and have been involved in many different industries where I learned a wide range of skills. Some of my skills range from marketing to management and even teaching special needs children, particularly those with severe developmental delays. I am a self-proclaimed holiday nut, taking any chance I can get to decorate and celebrate major holidays such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas, often planning these months in advance! I have a wide range of passions that I persue (as often as I can) such as reading, writing, bonsai, crafting, creating natural beauty products, listening to music and playing games (prefered platforms being PC and Xbox).

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